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Apollo brought his signature swagger and sexiness to a venue way too small to contain the 6′ 5″ giant’s high-energy moves and rising starpower. On Tuesday night, as fans yelled “ te amo” and asked the musician to take his shirt off, Ciudad de México proved to be the perfect place to bring his two-month-long Desvelado Tour to a close. Apollo was returning to a city that spawned much of his creativity while making his latest LP, Ivory : Aided by his righthand creative director, Alberto Bustamante, known by the alias Mexican Jihad, the singer spent weeks perfecting his art in the city that Bustamante has described as a “hotspot for queer creativity.” It was a simple, eye-catching marketing strategy to promote a cultural homecoming for the 24-year-old son of Mexican immigrants. “ La heterosexualidad puede ser curada” (“Heterosexuality can be cured”) read an orange-and-yellow billboard in Zona Rosa, the historically gay neighborhood of Mexico City, to promote Omar Apollo’s May 31st visit to Auditorio BlackBerry.

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