Can gay men donate blood new york

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In 2020, ABC News broke the story that several major blood donation organizations - including the American Red Cross, Vitalant and OneBlood - announced that they were working together in an FDA-funded study ( ADVANCE: Assessing Donor Variability And New Concepts in Eligibility) to provide data to determine if eligibility based on an individual's risk could replace the time-based deferral system while maintaining the safety of the blood supply. While there are no new decisions to announce at the moment, the FDA is currently supporting the 'ADVANCE' study, a scientific study to develop relevant scientific evidence and inform any potential policy changes.' 'The President is committed to ensuring that this policy is based on science, not fiction or stigma. 'The legacy of bans on blood donation continues to be painful, especially for LGBTQI+ communities,' the White House official told ABC News in a statement.

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